This week continue to take notes on your tree observations. Think about what problems/threats might affect your tree. How could we help solve those problems or better protect and care for your tree?

Has anything changed since your last observation?
What things might be a problem for your tree and might have a negative affect on your tree's well being and growth?
What could we do to help the tree live long and continue to be a healthy part of our community?

Comment with your room number and assigned letter.

3/27/2013 10:56:21 am

1. Since my last observation, I have noticed that some of the bark is peeling off of the tree.
2. I think too many dogs urinating on the tree negatively affects its well being and growth.
3. We could post signs asking people to please curb their pets in support of healthy tree growth and development.

108 P
3/31/2013 09:12:15 am

I like your idea about posting signs.

4/15/2013 11:44:43 am

It's Peeling! :(

108 P
3/31/2013 09:10:47 am

There is a stone wall next to my tree, this might block the tree's roots. If the wall blocks the tree's roots, the wall may negatively affect the tree's growth. Or the tree's roots might break the wall and cause problems for my family or the neighbors behind our apartment. I am not sure how we can fix these potential problems. My tree is still very small, so we do not have problems happening yet.

4/2/2013 10:09:41 am

Well, the if the christmas lights generate electricity, my tree will be shocked and die. <:(

4/2/2013 10:14:30 am

I'm just adding to my last comment that the christmas lights are the ones in my tree.

4/2/2013 09:02:05 pm

1) My tree finally has buds now.
2)I think my tree's problem is I think that my tree might be growing to slow because many tree's have a lot of buds and those tree's also have leafs.My tree just had buds and my tree does not have leafs at all.
3)I think we could help my tree live a long live by telling the tree cuter not to cut down my tree because I know they cut most tree's that are around my tree.

4/4/2013 10:25:23 am

There are no problems or threats my tree is dealing with.Nothing has changed.There is nothing I know of that people could do to help with
my tree.

4/6/2013 12:13:20 pm

Things I think will harm my tree the most are bugs and fire because it is skinny. To protect my tree is preventing ivy or bugs to get my tree. Ivy strangles the tree bugs eat the tree so use bug spray that is safe for the tree and cut ivy off. Nothing has changed since the last observation one thing I thought would be negative on my tree is lightning it could char my tree also set it on fire may also kill it. Make sure it gets lots of air sunlight and water and keep it away from weeds.

4/7/2013 12:40:21 am

1)No changes have happened since the last time I did a observation
2)Cold weather might affect my tree
3)My tree is so big that it doesn't really need help

4/7/2013 11:13:30 am

1. Think about what problems/threats might affect your tree.
The thing that could threaten my tree is it not getting enough water.
2. How could we help solve those problems or better protect and care for your tree?
We could make sure to give it enough water in case it does not rain enough.
3. Has anything changed since your last observation?
Some of the buds are changing into flowers.

4/15/2013 11:45:39 am

My tree has termites on it and ants, one bit me! I have noticed there is also a nest in my tree!! I have also noticed that my tree is growing taller and wider!

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