For this week, continue to make basic observations of your tree. However also think about how you think your tree might contribute to the environment it's a part of and the human community around it?

Have you observed any changes or something new about your tree since last time?
How is your tree a part of it's surroundings?
What could impact the growth of your tree?
How does your tree benefit the environment around it (other plants, soil, animals, water, etc.)?
How does your tree benefit the human community around it?
Are there new thoughts you have about your tree based on what we discussed in class?

Comment with your room number as assigned letter.

3/19/2013 08:03:21 am

My tree formed a branch that crooked out to the side.Also my tree circumference is tree feet two inches.

3/19/2013 09:28:57 am

My tree's condition is good because it is healthy and better than the other trees in my community.On Tuesday my brother and I measured the circumference of the tree. It was 187 cm. There are a few small buds at the tip of the branches. During the winter it was very bare. I can't wait until the buds finally arrive.

3/20/2013 07:42:36 am

My tree can provide many homes for birds in its branches, as well as a bathroom for dogs. It provides shade for my house, making it cooler. My tree's branches could brake the power lines on my block if it brakes off. My tree's trunk circumference is roughly 8' 9". My tree's banches grow all over the place in different ways, so my dad and I were not able to estimate the average crown spread of it.

3/20/2013 09:28:18 am

My tree circumference is forty-five and a half inches long.
Also I noticed that there are small spiky branches behind my tree.

3/20/2013 10:47:28 am

My tree, and all other plants take in the carbon dioxide that we breath out, and they breath out the oxygen that we need. Trees and other plants put out fruits and berries for many animals to eat. This also helps the plant because the animal that ate the fruits or berries poops out the seeds (hopefully), usually somewhere else, and those seeds grow into new plants. My tree is in a formation with 7 other trees. They are in this formation: * *
Each symbol is a different tree. * *
This symbol () is my tree. The * +
plus sign is a tree with a whole lot of ivy () *
all around it. To the left of the tree, but ---
still in the planter are 2 white flowers, and there are a few buds scattered here and there. The line at the bottom is my house. It really is that long compared to where the trees are. There are some silver plants in the planter of the upper right corner. There are also some periwinkles next to that planter. Only about 2 periwinkles have bloomed yet, but many are on their way! There are even some crocuses in the lower left corner. They are white, yellow, purple, and white and purple striped crocuses. Most of them are still buds, but 1 yellow and 1 white have bloomed. There aren't any animals around here except our pets. About once a week a squirrel will come along. And twice, in the 5 1/2 years I've lived here, has someone spotted a raccoon. I think my tree is about 370 years old based on how old the bark looks, and by how tall it's gotten. Sometimes in the spring, if you look really closely, you can see birds' nests. Usually sparrows or robins, but about once every year, you see a not so common bird. My tree still has no leaves on it! I admit, I am getting a little impatient. The bark of my tree is still a very dark brown and I don't think that will ever change. Now that I think about it, my tree is 4 or 5 stories high.

3/21/2013 07:16:56 am


3/26/2013 10:03:08 am

That's a lot of information!

3/21/2013 06:57:12 am

I estimated how tall it was about a block and a half. We did the thumb trick

3/21/2013 07:14:48 am

My tree is heathy because it is producing fresh air and it is get much sunlight and rain water.

3/21/2013 08:24:23 am

some of the buds have sprouted

3/21/2013 09:47:06 pm

I think that my tree contributes to the natural and human community by giving us, human beings fresh oxygen to us and in return, we give them carbon dioxide. They also give us chores and fun things and my tree gives a beauty of bosoms.
My tree is a part of its surrounding because it works so well with the weather pattern and can survive in cold and hot weathers.

3/22/2013 04:40:25 am

My tree benefits human surroundings by giving us fresh air.
I see a problem because some buds have died and fell to the ground.
I no new observations.

3/23/2013 06:14:58 am

My tree helps squirrels and birds. It a squirrel gets scared it can run up the tree and run across the wires. The birds can make nests in the tree. My tree is part of the Samson street community. Around my tree is little bits of grass and dirt. My tree keeps leaking sap.

3/26/2013 10:52:20 am

My tree helps its surroundings by being a home to squirrels and birds. It also gives lots of shade to our house. No leaves have grown yet this season which makes it easy to see the animal nests. The squirrels nests are made of twigs, sticks, and other things. Those are the main benefits to my tree.

My tree has a few drawbacks. One drawback is that its surroundings make it a bit dangerous. It needs so much room to grow it pushes up the pavement and cracks it in odd angles which makes it easy for someone to trip. They had to redo the pavement twice because it was so badly cracked. The other drawback is it is a fairly old tree so limbs can fall off and hit someone on the head especially if there is a storm or strong wind.

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