For this week, continue to make basic observations of your tree. However also think about how you think your tree might contribute to the environment it's a part of and the human community around it?

Have you observed any changes or something new about your tree since last time?
How is your tree a part of it's surroundings?
How is your tree good for the environment around it (other plants, soil, animals, water, etc.)?
How is your tree good for the human community around it?
Are there new thoughts you have about your tree based on what we discussed in class?

Comment with your room number as assigned letter.

3/18/2013 06:23:37 am

My tree saves the envierment by,giving fresh air to the pepole that come near it.My tree is a good home for animals too.

3/18/2013 07:03:41 am

Great info !

3/18/2013 07:02:39 am

I have noticed that there are slight differences that took place at my tree. First, I have noticed another mark that has been made.It has to be made recently because I didn't notice it the last time I made my observation. So about the question you asked us: the tree is good for the environment because it holds the soil around it in place. If all the trees in philadelphia were gone and then there came a storm, soon after, philadelphia will be a bare desert.

3/18/2013 10:02:38 am

Awesome job

3/18/2013 10:01:35 am

The tree is helping the environment by cleaning the air. My tree is surrounded by a fence, a driveway and a bush. My tree gives us shade when it is hot outside. If one of the branches fell of it would be a problem because it could fall on someone. The animals depend on the tree because it is their habitat.

3/19/2013 04:59:22 am

My tree is located behind 428 South 45th st. It looks like a young tree. It is brown and grey. The tree I'm doing is a White Dogwood. There is ivy around the tree and an azalea bush. There is also a building behind it. I choose this tree because it is easy to see. It is in my backyard.

3/20/2013 08:45:13 am


3/19/2013 07:24:46 am

My tree is related to its suroundings because it is surounded by a bush and three trees. It benefits its environment by producing seeds for the sqirrles. It produces wood for making treehouses and oxygen for life. It gives us problemms by clogging are gutter with leaves. There are no changes since it's not realy in growth.

3/20/2013 09:28:02 am

Why'd you mention the treehouse part?? Did you make a treehouse out of it's bark?

3/19/2013 09:59:51 am

Does your tree benefit your environment around it?Yes it does.It makes a good resting spot for animals and it also provides shade.Does your tree benefit the human community around it?Yes it does.It provides air,makes shade,and make my block look pretty.Are there any problems because of your tree?The only thing I can see right now is that there is bricks right next to my tree and the tree is lifting them off the ground.

3/20/2013 08:47:40 am

I'm looking forward to seeing who you are!

3/20/2013 09:17:25 am

hi person.

3/19/2013 01:25:34 pm

My tree help us natural environment by the fresh air.Some birds has found a home on my tree.My tree has a big shadow.My tree is surrounded by some grass.My tree dosen;t have any problem.

3/20/2013 10:39:57 am

Your tree must be happy it doesn't have any problems!

3/20/2013 09:15:03 am

It gives pepole air.My tree has soil and squirrel and a lot of birds and a bush near it.There is a street light next to the one of my friends in118 lives next to it.

3/20/2013 09:46:14 am

I noticed that there is always a green truck right next to Touchie. But I should of listed that on my first observation, because my neighbor (who owns the truck) bought that truck in October. Unfourtunatley, it is a diesel, which gives off a sort of gas that could hurt the tree (I'm not so sure, but it hurts humans). But the tree looks very healthy, and it should start to spout some buds soon.

3/20/2013 09:47:18 am

P.S. I think other people should name their trees too!

3/23/2013 09:16:07 am

nice job

3/21/2013 07:50:14 am

You sure that your tree is okay? Up to you.

3/23/2013 06:40:30 am

Thanks for the idea to name my tree .

3/21/2013 09:09:48 am

My tree has changed it now has a couple new scratches and it has some berries. My tree doesn't seem to be causing any trouble but it might be pulling up the black tarp that is under the soil , but I don't think that will damage any thing.

3/21/2013 09:48:11 am

My tree changed by flowers blooming and the branches getting stronger so they can grow more

3/23/2013 06:35:40 am

Frontie's trunk is 14 inches around. It has buds on its branches. Frontie helps by producing oxygen. Frontie is growing between the street and the sidewalk. When he gets bigger his roots may interfere with sewer and gas pipes.

3/23/2013 09:32:52 am

my trees branches look like they are growing too wide fortunately
they will trim it soon if they don't it might fall

3/31/2013 10:09:19 am

my tree make block look pretty and gives us shade when it is shot outside my tree is good home for animals.

3/31/2013 09:23:29 am

My tree did not change a lot.
It just stayed there really quietly.
My tree did not help anything in the past few weeks.But what it did do was that my tree was giving water to the soil i think
For people i think it is a good place when rain come so person can
stay there so they could be cozy and get to sleep.

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