For this week, continue to make basic observations of your tree. However also think about how you think your tree might contribute to the environment it's a part of and the human community around it?

Have you observed any changes or something new about your tree since last time?
How is your tree a part of it's surroundings?
How is your tree good for the environment around it (other plants, soil, animals, water, etc.)?
How is your tree good for the human community around it?
Are there new thoughts you have about your tree based on what we discussed in class?

Comment with your room number as assigned letter.

3/17/2013 04:04:35 am

No. There are no changes.How my tree is a part of my surroundings is because its in a garden and it has flowers, weeds, and another tree thats the same kind of tree right in back of it. In my environment it is good for making more categories in the soil. My tree is a good tree for our community because it helps you plant and helps you breath.

3/18/2013 09:45:55 am

My tree does not have any changes from last time. My tree is part of its surroundings because it has grass around it. Also, it has a flower bed at the bass of the trunk. It helps me and others breath. I wonder what kind of leaves my tree will have.

3/19/2013 06:57:41 am

My tree contributes by giving food for birds and people. My tree is on the street like the others. My tree gives shade and oxygen to us. It gives us branches to climb on. My tree has a sickness that we don't know what it is. We had to cut the branch that had the sickness. My new observation from class is that I learned that my tree is not a part of the rain forest.

3/19/2013 09:21:42 am

The tree I picked is now a tiny bit starting to grow little tiny buds of leaves. Someone in my neighborhood took away all the leaves around it so the tree could grow easer (people help it).It makes our street prettier. The tree is very nice because it is right outside me and my neighbors house so it brings air to us.

3/20/2013 08:59:53 am

My tree has many little new white buds at the tips and they are getting bigger and bigger every day. The tree makes oxygen for us, and makes the yard looks nice.

118 I
3/20/2013 10:08:51 am

My tree contributes by people planting more trees around it.My tree is around my house.It helps by helping people breath and it helps plants grow more.I don't see any problems with my tree.My tree has roots, trunk, branches, and leaves.

3/20/2013 10:31:56 am

No real changes. Well, there is ivy, a fence, and grass and dirt. The fence is behind the tree, the ivy is around the tree, the grass is touching the tree also the dirt is touching the tree. The roots of the tree keep the soil in place, it gives homes to other animals.
It helps us breathe, and survive. No new thoughts.

3/21/2013 07:18:45 am

My tree is part of its surroundings by stopping intruders from getting into my windows because of its spiky thorns. It protects other plants by providing some shade to the flowers and bush below it. Today I saw 8 birds sitting in the tree, which were safe from predators. I also noticed some new sprouts shooting up from the bottom. People in my neighborhood like to collect the bitter orange fruit to put in their homes because of their nice citrus smell. A problem with my tree is that the thorny spikes could sometimes poke people's heads when they walk by so we have to keep it trimmed up.

3/21/2013 09:48:03 am

1. It makes air and houses for the animals
2. It is a plant like the others
3. It provides shelter for the animals.It gives shade for the plants.
4. We look out the widow and see a beautiful tree.
5. I do not see any problems
6. The leaves we learned about are the leaves on my tree.I saw the leaves last year. They are the pointy kind.

118 S
3/21/2013 10:29:34 am

1. My adopted "Evergreen Tree" is full of leaves. So, it produces a lot of oxygen and reduces air pollution.
2. It is one of the trees on the street and blends in as part of the landscape.
3. My tree acts as a shelter for the animals. It also provides shade to the smaller plants. Its roots hold on to the soil and sucks up the excess water when it rains.
4. It is a huge tree. It gives plenty of oxygen and shade to the human community.
5. It is so tall that its branches are touching the electric cables. Sometimes the branches need to be trimmed.
6. New observation:
a) I did not see any age rings. So, I do not know the exact age of the tree, but can tell that it is old because of its height.
b) I think the leaves are starting to fall off. I see fewer leaves now.
c) We breathe out carbon dioxide and the tree gives us oxygen.

3/21/2013 10:00:34 pm

1. My tree has leaf buds but no new leaves yet.
2. The brown leaves are toothed and lobed.
3. The rain helps keep my tree watered.
4. I like my tree because when it has leaves it makes my street beautiful.
5. I hope the leaves will grow soon now that it's spring,

3/25/2013 05:45:01 am

My tree does not have a emergent layer.

3/25/2013 05:45:53 am

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