This week continue to take notes on your tree observations. Think about what problems/threats might affect your tree. How could we help solve those problems or better protect and care for your tree?

Has anything changed since your last observation?
What things might be a problem for your tree and might have a negative affect on your tree's well being and growth?
What could we do to help the tree live long and continue to be a healthy part of our community?

Comment with your room number and assigned letter.

3/30/2013 07:36:33 am

Nothing has changed since my last observation of my tree. The crazy changes in weather (from warm to snowing, then warm again) could be preventing my tree from growing as fast as it normally would. We need to make sure to mulch around my tree and water it frequently in the spring and summer. We also need to surround it with other plants that put nutrients back into the soil around it. Lots of people stop to take pictures of my tree because it is scary looking and interesting with all of its thorns. I could volunteer to help others with their yards and tree care, or also in the park to show the importance of appreciating and caring for urban trees.

118 S
3/31/2013 06:24:49 am

a) I see even fewer leaves.
b) More bark peeling off and in some areas it is totally gone.
c) The leaves look much more yellow.
d) Still my "Evergreen Tree" has more leaves that the other trees.

a) The cable might cause the tree branches to not grow properly.
b) Too much rocks on the soil might deprive the tree of nutrition.
c) The tree is leaning against the building.

a) Sometimes the branches need to be trimmed to change the direction. We could do that to improve the health of the "Evergreen Tree."
b) The rocks are too heavy to remove. Cannot do anything about that.
c) The building also cannot be removed. So, nothing that can be done about that.
d) We can put some fertilizer in the soil to give the tree nutrients. That will help it to grow more, live longer and continue to be a healthy part of our community.

4/1/2013 08:11:09 am

1. Bushes, Trees, Birds live beside my tree.
2. It is 5:45pm and the weather is cloudy. The things that are living are a bird family, two bushes, a tree, rocks, vines, flowers, dogs, birds, worms, cats, plants.

4/4/2013 10:41:49 am

Nothing has changed since my last observation of my tree.

One thing that can damage my tree is if it does not get enough water then it will get too dry and fall.

To help the tree we could water it and cut off the dried up branches.

4/10/2013 10:14:29 am

The buds are getting a bit bigger but we are not sure what will they look like.
One problem with the tree is it's lacking of water. I was told the leaves were dry during hot weather.

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