For this week, continue to tell us more about your tree.

Are there any changes to the tree since your last observation?
Do you notice something you didn't before?
Describe the different parts of your tree.
Do you have new thoughts about your tree based on what we learned in class?

Comment with your room number and assigned letter.
3/11/2013 07:23:04 am

My tree has changed! The little red buds have grown bigger. And there is more of them on the branches. I also think that my tree has grown taller.

3/12/2013 08:57:36 am

My buds are red too. Do you think we have the same tree?
(I know just because its red, doesn't mean it's the same, but...) What do you think?

3/13/2013 08:59:54 am

thats cool

Science Teacher
3/13/2013 01:33:22 pm

It's great that your seeing the buds coming out! Also it's very difficult to notice a tree getting taller because it only grow a little bit each year. I love how much you're paying attention to the branches and the amount of buds.

3/11/2013 09:58:21 am

I used the height of of my house to measure my tree. A lot of producers and decomposers grow and live around my tree.

3/11/2013 11:18:15 am

Same happened with me:-)

3/12/2013 09:01:42 am


Science Teacher
3/13/2013 01:34:26 pm

Way to go thinking about producers and decomposers! Can you name any of the plants or organisms that are around your tree?

3/11/2013 11:14:57 am

I could help my tree by not letting any trash effect my tree and don't let it die. My tree will not change because it's an Emerald Green Arborvitae tree so it will not change and it will stay the same color. A negative effect is that when the trash grows into the soil the tree might start to die or rot. This is more information about the tree I adopted.

3/13/2013 08:04:05 am


Science Teacher
3/13/2013 01:36:39 pm

Nice work! I like how you're thinking about what changes you do or don't expect to see based on your knowledge of what type of tree it is. Also I can tell you're thinking about the trash and how that might affect the tree. Depending on what type of trash it is, it may or may not decompose easily. So it might be best to put on some gloves or get a plastic bag and pick up the trash around your tree so it won't get into the soil anymore than it already has!

3/14/2013 07:29:10 am

Maybe we should have a Penn Alexander no trash day

3/14/2013 10:30:16 am

interesting :)

3/12/2013 06:25:00 am

my tree is starting to bud, and some small branches are growing.

3/13/2013 08:02:13 am

My tree is growing buds to .'D

Science Teacher
3/13/2013 01:37:52 pm

This week lots of people are noticing buds! They are really starting to come out all over the city! Maybe we will see flowers next week!

3/12/2013 08:53:33 am

My tree changed a lot!!!!! WELL, last time I saw my tree, it was all bear, but now things are changing. I can see tiny, red buds.
Oh, and there are also some fungi looking things-(decomposer)I'm not really sure what it is. I'm planning to clean up the trash around my tree.
Once I saw this gummy worm thing and candy wrapper around the tree's soil.

Science Teacher
3/13/2013 01:50:59 pm

So excited about all these changes people are seeing. The trees changing is always one of the first signs of the new season. Spring is coming to Philadelphia again! I'm thrilled you were thinking about the types of organisms that you see around your tree (producer). Also I'm glad you are thinking about the trash around your tree because it can affect the soil and therefore the tree's health! Make sure if you do clean up trash that you wear gloves or use a plastic bag or something so you aren't using bare hands!

3/12/2013 10:02:23 pm

I thought my tree was straight but i notice my tree was leaning over but not falling down.I also see my leaves are turning red and i see ed buds on my tree.

Science Teacher
3/13/2013 01:52:29 pm

So when we really look closely, most trees don't grow exactly, perfectly straight up and down. Many trees bend or lean in some way. Some more than others.

3/14/2013 10:57:35 am

My tree is straight, too! Every time I go to the side of my tree, it look like it cut in half ( but is NOT cut in half) because it have a lot of branch on the left, but none of them in the right.

3/13/2013 08:00:37 am

My tree started sprouting buds and the sticker bush under it is growing bigger! Also the old bark on my tree is falling off too! The branches on my tree grew a little bit also, but the trunk hasn't grown. I don't think any consumers are by my tree and I know decomposers aren't around it either.

Science Teacher
3/13/2013 01:54:07 pm

You may not have seen consumers or decomposers this time but keep your eyes peeled. Also there may be some decomposers that are around your tree but down in the soil near the roots where they can't be observed by us just by looking at the tree. Glad you thought about the types of organisms, great job!

3/13/2013 08:59:00 am

my tree is growing

Science Teacher
3/13/2013 01:55:11 pm

Tell me more. Use the questions above to think about your tree. I know you have more you can say.

3/13/2013 10:56:52 am

My tree is changing. The tree is growing some leaves on the branch. If the weather get warm and get more rain, I think the will grow faster.

Science Teacher
3/13/2013 01:56:34 pm

Rainfall definitely affects tree growth! I think that rain we had recently really helped some of our tree's buds come out in the last couple days! We'll see if there is more spring rain on it's way to help our trees!

3/13/2013 09:28:18 pm

Nice tree when is the science teacher going to show us the tree map.

3/13/2013 09:29:41 pm

I also ment to say I want to see where your tree is going to be.

Science Teacher
3/19/2013 05:33:44 am

I am working on it! We have so many trees it's taking longer than expected. We will have a big reveal of the map after spring break.

3/14/2013 07:22:05 am

-my tree is very skinny, the trunk is about five inches wide.
-lives in a three by six plot.
-its brown and white and after it rains its green.
-my tree is about the height of a lamp post(a few feet higher)

3/14/2013 08:57:12 am

My tree is as tall as a three story house.It has buds sprouting on the tip of every branch that are about 2 and 1/2 in. long.:-)The branches are thin and there is ivy covering the bottom of the trunk. also, the trunk is the color tan. there are no leaves yet.:-(

3/14/2013 09:58:38 am

my tree did not change alot but they do have alot of spikey balls

3/14/2013 10:28:55 am

Only a little has changed with my tree. The only thing that I noticed (this is not including height) is that my tree's flowers are starting to to get buds :) . Hopefully by the end of March the buds will be full sized flowers and not just buds!
- my tree has a skinny trunk
- my tree is about 8 feet tall.
-does not have leaves at this time
I could measure the tree by measuring how tall it is and by measuring how thick the trunk is.

3/14/2013 10:55:30 am

So the things that changed about my tree is that the tree got a little bigger it's roots got longer there are a little more things than last time like there are coffee cups napkins more bird feathers and the little bridge is getting squished and there's fungai a little mold more poison ivy it also has tiny little dead leaves and the barks are super rough so thanks for litening this is my #2 comments so goodbye for now

3/14/2013 10:57:08 am

There were no changes since my last observation.
Something that didn't notice before was that it had limbs cut off, and it had a lot of missing bark.
The different parts of my tree are - the bottom of my tree has many roots out of the ground, the trunk is bumpy and sharp and its branches extends a lot over the street.
Based on what I learnt in class - my tree has no leaves, so it cannot do photosynthesis and make glucose for itself.

3/14/2013 11:23:30 am

From my last observation I have noticed that leaves have started budding.I have not noticed anything different except for my new observations.My tree's trunk is thin but its branches is thick.I have not learned anything about my tree in class.My tree is about 10 feet tall but it's trunk is about 1 foot wide and it's branches are all different sizes.

3/14/2013 12:10:10 pm

Well,my tree hasn't really changed from the last time I saw it! It started to grow some buds but not as much. Probably only one or two.Anyway, since it rained, the tree bark got dark because it got wet.By the way, the trees that are next to mine look like my tree. The branches are thin but the trunk is thick. My tree is also taller than the buildings around it!

3/16/2013 05:44:16 am

Now there are more buds and some of them grew. The tree is looking greener and I am also seeing more living things like bugs. It might be greener but a lot of branches fell off the trees.

3/17/2013 06:32:23 am

There is not much change in my tree other than the leaves are becoming brown. Today I noticed that there is a little fruit from last summer ( they are non-edible :( ). The parts of my tree are the trunk, leaves, and the branches. Because my tree is young, you can't see the roots yet. The trunk and branches are smooth and gray. The leaves are really smooth and green, or they are brown (in color, not texture.) Today I noticed something that looked like a spider egg sack, so maybe I will see some spiders soon. :)

3/17/2013 10:53:24 am

Sorry,thats supposed to be 209o, not 209n.

3/17/2013 08:20:50 am

I was hoping that that there would be some changes in my tree but there wasn't any. There was something that I didn't notice on my tree before. A couple of scratch marks can now be found on the middle of the trunk. Maybe a dog wanted to sharpen it's claws and used it as a scratching post. When comparing my tree to the other trees along the park path, the trunk of my tree is thicker than the others. So, I might begin by using a measuring tape to find out the diameter of it's trunk to determine growth. Since the season will be changing soon, growth will also be described by the beginning of buds on the branches.

3/17/2013 10:21:39 am

There have not been any changes to the tree since last week.
The trunk of the tree is very narrow. Many mourning doves were roosting in the tree this time.
The trunk is brown. The branches are very thin. The bark is very rough. It doesn't have any leaves.
I wonder when it will get leaves? I wonder when it will get flowers.

3/17/2013 10:08:21 pm

My tree has not exactly changed but there are some things I did not notice before, my tree is starting to die (barely starting) I think this is happening because the top of my tree has fallen off, and the top of all trees are the stongest and like the keystone part of the tree.

3/18/2013 05:57:18 am

the strongest parts of trees are the roots

3/18/2013 06:04:21 am

my tree is very strong and thick but it is not very tall.My tree does not have leaves right now but I think it might get leaves and bloom.

Comments are closed.