For this week, continue to make basic observations of your tree. However also think about how you think your tree might contribute to the environment it's a part of and the human community around it?

Have you observed any changes or something new about your tree since last time?
How is your tree a part of it's surroundings?
What could impact the growth of your tree?
How is your tree an important part of it's ecosystem?
How does your tree benefit the environment around it (other plants, soil, animals, water, etc.)?
How does your tree benefit the human community around it?
Are there new thoughts you have about your tree based on what we discussed in class?

Comment with your room number as assigned letter.

3/17/2013 09:25:15 pm

I just notice that the trunk of the tree is small,and the bark of my tree is very dark in color and the color is brown.

3/18/2013 06:20:15 am

does your tree have leaves?

3/19/2013 09:02:14 am

What is your tree doing to it's environment???

3/18/2013 06:18:16 am

My tree is a rusty dark red. My tree is so wide that I needed three of my friends to get all the way around it!A lot of squirels live in my tree.My tree has not changed exept that a branch fell of.

3/19/2013 09:06:37 am

I like the details of the tree!!! ★☆★☆★

3/21/2013 10:53:22 am


3/18/2013 07:35:47 am

Because it is raining, my tree is wet all over. Again, my tree has changed. There has been many more red buds. Also, some of the buds have gotten bigger.

3/18/2013 08:22:31 am

What kind of tree are you observing??????????????????????????

3/20/2013 08:45:59 am

I'm interested in knowing what kind of tree you are observing too.

3/18/2013 08:20:27 am

My tree is sagging down a bit from the weight of the rain . It has very narrow leaves that are a nice dark shade of green

3/18/2013 09:01:02 am

the branchs on my tree are getting long and stronger and I see little bud on my tree.

3/18/2013 09:01:50 am


3/19/2013 06:28:04 am

My tree changed a lot since I last observed it! ( like really. A LOT.) Well, now it has much more red buds than last time, and I've been noticing more weeds. Oh yeah, I always forget to say- or type, in this case, I should of said this in week #1, but my tree has a BUNCH of small roots. I'd say about 2 LARGE steps across, and 1&1/2 large steps on the sides.

3/21/2013 10:56:55 am

It's good that your tree has strong roots.It can fight for water easier.

3/19/2013 09:00:14 am

My tree is not growing, because it will stay the same way as it was. My tree is in a row of a few trees, so all of the time they're affecting each other, with the same nutrition it would have given to the squirrels and the other animals. Sometimes the birds would try to sit on the narrow and light branches.

3/20/2013 08:53:48 am

Little birds sit on my tree too.

3/19/2013 11:05:12 am

My tree hasn't changed at all since the last time I saw it! But even though it doesn't have flowers or that much buds, it is still important to my neighborhood. It produces oxygen for people in the neighborhood and it gives shelter to insects and many animals. It also gives oxygen to the plants too. i just hope it grows flowers early this spring!!!!!!!!!

3/20/2013 08:42:57 am

the only change is can see from m tree is the buds. they are growing bigger. Now i can see them from my window but before i had to go up to the tree to see them. There is ivy covering the ground of my tree and there are two other trees next to it. The Magnolia is very close to the house so the house might stop the roots from growing in that direction.

3/20/2013 08:56:08 am

There is ivy on the ground near my tree too. And also my tree IS a Magnolia.

3/20/2013 08:50:29 am

My tree has little buds on it. They are not really little though. My tree is part of a garden ecosystem. Since I have no way to measure my tree, I'm not sure if it has grown, but it doesn't look any taller. I don't think my tree benefits the surrounding plants, but it does give shade to humans. And sometimes little sparrows fly into the branches to rest. The leaves on my tree are still getting brown, probably because there hasn't been a lot of rain and the leaves are turning brown because of water loss. Some leaves look browner than others, and they are so dry they rip.:( The branches feel like they are being effected by the water loss too. They seem to be getting thiner and flimsier.

3/21/2013 11:05:44 am

Your tree probably does help the surrounding plants.

3/21/2013 05:52:56 am

I looked at my tree for about 2 minutes, but the only thing changed: a broken branch:'(

3/21/2013 10:49:43 am

My tree has really small buds on it, there not in full bloom but I predict they will be within two and a half weeks.My tree is about three or four years of age.My tree doesn't have leaves yet so it is not breathing in carbon dioxide as an effect it is not breathing out air, which is one of our needs.It is just using sunlight and water.I think in two to three weeks it will have leaves and be able to produce air.(I also saw about three cigarettes thrown where my tree lives.

3/21/2013 11:21:19 am

No there has been no change in my tree. My tree is a part of it's surroundings because it is a producer. It produces leaves for caterpillars to eat and oxygen for humans. If there were no rain the tree would die because it is a living organism and they will die without water. My tree is an important part of my ecosystem because it is a producer. My tree benefits animals because it takes in carbon dioxide and lets out oxygen for them to breathe. My tree benefits the human part of the ecosystem in the same way. It releases air for us to breathe. I wonder how my tree adapted to stay alive for a long time.

3/23/2013 10:24:26 am

Nothing has changed because there were not any flowers or leaves.
It is near windows, buildings, and, two trees are near my tree.
The amount of rain impacts the growth of my tree. The amount of sun impacts the growth of my tree. Insects impact the growth of my tree. The quality of air also impacts the growth of my tree.
My tree is a home for birds, squirrels, insects, bats, and my neighbors live nearby.
My tree provides shade, it cleans air, it provides food for insects, and it provides home for birds. It also prevents erosion.
It provides shade and clean air for humans who live nearby.

3/23/2013 10:49:50 am

How my tree benefit the environment around it, my tree give animals shelter like bird, caterpillar, etc. How my tree benefit the human community around it, my tree give oxygen and it help reduce the wind, too. There no change on my tree.

3/23/2013 11:12:05 am

1. My tree is a part of the sidewalk through providing shade
2. My tree benefits birds by giving them a nesting place and animals by giving them a habitat.
3. My tree might contribute to the natural environment by absorbing CO2 and releasing O2. It contributes to the human community by giving shade.
4. Some of the branches were cut off, so it may have been causing a problem by interfering with electric wires or it might have had a disease.
5. I have no new observations.

3/30/2013 03:46:02 am

My tree has changed a lot I can see that the ecosystem is bigger I can see that worms are eating the leaves on the tree and on the ground I can see other bugs and animals too. My tree is getting more leaves and each other branch has buds. Around the tree I can see plants growing too.

3/31/2013 05:35:11 am

There are no changes since the last time.It provides shade for the community. Someone could water my tree once in a while it would probably get bigger. My tree is part of the ecosystem by providing housing for squirrels. My tree is also in an area where there is lot of sun and when it rains the rain benefits it. The community in the area planted the tree where it is today and so my tree benefited from the community care.

3/31/2013 09:26:20 am

There hasn't been any changes to my tree as of yet. From what I have learned about trees, mine is a part of its surroundings because it helps to provide the oxygen we breath. It also helps with producing for animals and insects. something that can impact the growth of my tree is the soil. The soil is what helps the tree grow. If it is not healthy, the roots will not be healthy as well. Another example would be air pollution. Cars produce toxic fumes which can kill trees.

3/31/2013 10:39:36 am

nothing changed. it is shade. pollution will effect it's growth. it is a producer so it provides food for the ecosystem. it helps the environment by providing water. it helps humans by taking carbon dioxide and making oxygen. no new thoughts

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