This week continue to take notes on your tree observations. Think about what problems/threats might affect your tree. How could we help solve those problems or better protect and care for your tree?

Has anything changed since your last observation?
What things might be a problem for your tree and might have a negative affect on your tree's well being and growth?
What could we do to help the tree live long and continue to be a healthy part of our community?

Comment with your room number and assigned letter.

3/22/2013 04:40:32 am

A threat to my tree is that if it grows taller than my house and is a threat to my house my dad will have to cut it down.

3/30/2013 03:46:18 am

There was a tree next to our house that we had to cut down because its roots were about to dig up the house.

3/22/2013 04:43:45 am

A thing that might effect my tree is that many cars pass by and smog gets in the air and the tree might breathe in the smog.

3/30/2013 03:47:29 am

Same with mine.

3/25/2013 02:24:31 am

A threat to my tree is storms such as hurricanes. How it can be a threat is because in hurricane Sandy, the storm was very big in some areas and its wind knocked down a few good trees! Also, I think that we can protect our trees from being endangered by not cutting them down and using it for stuff that we don't need. My tree still didn't change!!!!!!

3/29/2013 01:36:25 pm

It didn't? Thats actually really interesting to me!

3/30/2013 03:50:06 am

My tree lost a lot of branches during hurricane Sandy.

3/29/2013 01:32:05 pm

New thing: the branches of my tree got lower because of the bud's weight. The bud is long, with blackish stamen. I finally found out: my tree is called a Red Maple Tree! Bad things:Trash like candy wrappers, cans, juice bottles,etc. or acid rain hurts trees. I could help it by not littering,( which I do not do) or picking up people's trash.

3/30/2013 03:52:47 am

You could bring an old CVS bag and pick up the trash.

3/31/2013 08:48:03 am

You could also tell people don't litter - if you see them doing it.

3/30/2013 03:42:21 am

Problems/threats:My tree lives near the street so all the pollution from the car might get into the tree. Also my tree has a couple of cigarets in its plot of land.Luckily my tree is not disturbing anyone so I don't think it will be cut down. Changes:My trees buds have grown bigger.My tree has a lot of small patches on it where a brach has fallen and a lot of broken branches.I think thats because of Hurricane Sandy. How we can help our tree:Every time we check our tree we should bring gloves, watering can,(with water in it)an old CVS bag and clean up the trash that is around our tree then water it.

3/31/2013 05:42:08 am

Nothing with my tree changed since my last observation. Trash might affect the tree and make it unhealthy. Trash is not good for a tree or any living thing. Last time I visited my tree I noticed that there was a trash bag in it. And I didn't want my tree to get hurt by the bag. We should help the tree by making sure that no trash gets thrown on it and make sure we clean up around the tree. Also, when it is not raining a lot we should water it ourselves and make sure it stays healthy throughout the year.

3/31/2013 08:57:47 am

Only one thing has changed since my last observation- it looks a lot more healthy because of the rain. Lack of space may negatively affect my tree because it is large and its roots can't grow without bumping into things [sewers, basements, etc.]. We may stop that from happening by moving the tree to a place with more space- such as Clark Park.

3/31/2013 09:20:55 am

nothing changed. pollution is effecting it negatively. we could not drive as much and try not to litter

3/31/2013 09:22:14 am

Nothing is changed on my tree.
My tree is in between two buildings and it doesn't get too much sun.
If it's too dry in the summer

3/31/2013 09:32:44 am

So far, there hasn't bee any significant changes to my tree. Probable because the normal seasonal change hasn't yet occurred. My tree is an important part of its ecosystem because it provides shelter for animals and may produce food that they need. It benefits the environment around it because it helps control the temperature around it, keeping itself cool so that it can survive. My tree benefits the human community around it by providing shade for people who may want to sit near it during the warmer weather. It can be used to create paper and can be used to create fire. Lastly, my tree helps produce clouds and clouds produce the rain that is needed in our environment.

3/31/2013 09:33:21 am

Nothing has changed on my tree.
My tree is in between two buildings and it doesn't get too much sun.
if it's too dry in the summer, I need too give it water.

3/31/2013 10:35:24 am

A thing that might affect my tree is that some people living in other apartments smoke and my tree might smell that air if that keeps on going on my tree is going to die of air pollution and some of the people litter around the tree . My is a bit taller and more leaves are growing and more insects are coming.

3/31/2013 11:16:24 am

My tree has some more weeds.A threat to my tree is my neighbors hiring profesionals to cut it down because it could damage property to help we could water it and convince people not cut it down.

3/31/2013 11:57:22 am

My tree has not changed since my last observation. One thing I think could be a problem for my tree is a fire or flooding. Something I can do to help my tree is to water it and give it fertilizer.

3/31/2013 12:41:20 pm

So i think my tree might be affected by like if the fungai or anything like that touched the birds they might so they may die also the surrounding's could be a problem because the people near me use a lot of smoke or you could say fire so that could affect my tree so that's all i have to say thanks for listening

3/31/2013 10:01:49 pm

In the spring and in the summer the leaves on my tree turn orange

3/31/2013 10:08:04 pm

My tree might be affected by its roots growing into the pipes under the front yard. that happened to my familys yard before and constructers had to do something to the roots.they cut the roots so they would not cut the pipes.the buds are still growing bigger. they are not open yet

3/31/2013 10:11:39 pm

My tree hasn't changed but I think that the rain storms and wind our taking out the strongest parts of my tree, also the squirrels are eating the weaker parts of the, except my dad catches the squirrels.

4/1/2013 12:32:49 am

My tree has less brown leaves. I don't think because there has been more rain. Magnolias come from the South and are not used to cold wind. Since it has been really windy lately, my tree's leaes were turning brown, trying to tell us it does not like wind. But it gets less and less windy towards the Summer so that's why my tree has less brown leaves. But I could help the problem by building a wind screen for the winter months. To help my tree we could stop polluting. I don't think it has anything to do with my current problem, but it may have an effect in the future.

4/1/2013 12:34:48 am

My tree hasn't changed but still there are more observations I have: One, I think my tree has sap that spurting out once in a while, two, there is this purple stuff on the bark and it's not sap!

4/1/2013 09:02:50 am

my tree STILL hasn't changed!!! >:( anyway, there are a lot of big trees around it, which causes branches to break off. Also, it's position allows the wind to blow the branches around. ( and break them :'(... )

4/2/2013 10:29:37 am

i love my tree!

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