For this week, continue to make basic observations of your tree. However also think about how you think your tree might contribute to the environment it's a part of and the human community around it?

Have you observed any changes or something new about your tree since last time?
How is your tree a part of it's surroundings?
What could impact your tree's growth?
How is your tree an important part of it's ecosystem?
How does your tree benefit the environment around it (other plants, soil, animals, water, etc.)?
How does your tree benefit the human community around it?
Are there new thoughts you have about your tree based on what we discussed in class?

Comment with your room number as assigned letter.

3/16/2013 04:05:57 am

1.Today when i went home from violin practic, i saw a squireel.Ther are not any changes.
2.some fungi is surrouding it. impact.
4.There is a nest up in my tree so i am guesting birds are living in my tree.
5.yes.My family has a leaking hose so we moved the hoes near the tree for it to get water.Any ways nobody waters it. gives a big area of shade
7.i don't think so.

3/17/2013 01:03:57 am

1. My tree contributes berries for the birds and people to eat. It provides shade, color and oxygen.
2. It is a part of my surroundings because it adds beauty to our community.
3. It benefits the environment by making food (berries) and oxygen.
4. It gives us food, oxygen, and shade.
5. It has a sickness and sap is dripping out.
6. No new observations.

3/19/2013 07:06:13 am

Your tree seems to really help the enviroment! I feel bad for your tree and its sickness. I wonder what sickness it has.

3/19/2013 07:02:33 am

My tree is apart of its surroundings because it is in the ground, and is apart of our front yard. My tree benifits other plants and animals by producing small seeds and leaves. My tree benifits the human community by giving us (people, humans) oxegen. My tree's leaves get clogged in our gutter, creating a problem.

3/19/2013 10:04:08 am

I've noticed that my tree gives a lot of shade. It's really tall. It reaches to about the third floor of my house! There's a lot of moss growing on the sides of my tree. There's a piece of bark that fell off at the bottom either from my dogs or another animal. My tree is shaped in a really weird way. It looks like it shaped from side to side instead of being just straight.

3/19/2013 09:39:32 pm

My tree has grown buds but didn't change much.
It still is not growing much

3/21/2013 11:00:26 am

1. In my observations I have seen that my tree has been changing because it has had snow on it and has been starting to have more animals being active in it.
2. My tree is a part of the surroundings because it gives privacy to the people that live around it and shade.
3. Something that could impact my trees growth is if the roots start to suffocate the tree by rapping around it. I could measure the growth of the tree by yards or feet.
4. My tree is very important to the ecosystem. It is home to many animals including hawk.
5. My tree benefits the environment around it by cleaning the air for the animals and us. It also brings shade.
6.The tree gives shade and privacy to the house next to us.
7. Yes I think that my tree is very healthy because when ever we see a root start to rap around it someone comes and cuts it.

3/21/2013 11:55:39 am

What me and my classmates said is we should cut down the trees and make new ones.

3/22/2013 01:32:39 am

Week #1 and Week #2

3/22/2013 01:37:25 am

I didn't finish week #1 and week #2

3/21/2013 09:05:57 pm

1. My tree contributes to the environment because is give oxygen to humans and it gives shelter to some animals.
2. There are no changes in my tree.
3. My tree is part of its surrounding because it is a part of my mom's garden
4. My tree can be effected by the water and sun. If they stop they will kill the tree.
5.My tree benefits to the ecosystem because the bugs eat the leaves.

3/22/2013 01:08:53 am

3/22/2013 01:20:08 am

1.It didn't change.
2. The root is a little bit surrounding the tree from my backyard.
3. The impact of the growth of my trees was the leaves is growing.
4. The tree is important to ecosystem because it for the bugs.
5. The benefits of my tree was the animals because it for the bug and others.

3/22/2013 01:40:54 am

Im doing a Willow tree and there is another one next to it
and there starting to tangle up

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