For this week, continue to make basic observations of your tree. However also think about how you think your tree might contribute to the environment it's a part of and the human community around it?

Have you observed any changes or something new about your tree since last time?
How is your tree a part of it's surroundings?
What could impact your tree's growth?
How is your tree an important part of the ecosystem?
How does your tree benefit the environment around it (other plants, soil, animals, water, etc.)?
How does your tree benefit the human community around it?
Are there new thoughts you have about your tree based on what we discussed in class?

Comment with your room number as assigned letter.

3/19/2013 05:13:07 am

My tree looks right in it's spot because without it, the curb would look dull. I'm not sure if the tree still turns carbon dioxide into oxygen, but it contributes to the environment by making it presentable. It does not give food or shade or shelter, it just makes the curb look nice.

3/19/2013 01:19:53 pm

My tree looks good in it's spot because if it was not there, there would be a blank spot between all trees and it would look empty. It helps with runoff. Also, we impact the trees growth by putting sticks around so it's straight. It also provides oxygen. It makes the community look presentable and beautiful. I now appreciate my tree a little more because of our conversation on Tuesday. It has not changed at all since week #2.

3/21/2013 10:03:13 pm

my tree has lost a few branches. it still has no leaves.every thing else is the same

3/22/2013 07:45:55 am

Also my tree is looking kinda thin and kinda fat/thick.
my tree makes our neighborhood look better.
also it provides oxygen,without it their will be less clean air
From our discusion i have learned to care about my tree more.

3/24/2013 04:47:41 am

My tree is the same as always.
My tree a part of it's surroundings because it makes the place less empty
Less water could impact my tree's growth.
My tree an important part of the ecosystem because it keeps the soil down.
My tree benefits the environment around it (other plants, soil, animals, water, etc.) because it takes up thre space in the soil.
My tree benefits the human community around it because it gives us kids a place to play on and stand on.
I do't have any other thoughts at the moment.

3/24/2013 04:55:27 am

My tree turns a really dark brown when it rains. My tree's branches are starting to branch out o the side. But they used to stick straight up. Since I see my tree everyday I get to see how it's doing, like if it is healthy.

3/28/2013 09:19:21 am

It is part of the surounding because it provide shade for others. There are no changes. Rain and pesticides could effect growth. I would measure in feet. The tree is important for shade. The tree benifits shade and looking nice. There are no knew thoughts.

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