For this week, continue to make basic observations of your tree. However also think about how you think your tree might contribute to the environment it's a part of and the human community around it?

Have you observed any changes or something new about your tree since last time?
How is your tree a part of it's surroundings?
How is your tree good for the environment around it (other plants, soil, animals, water, etc.)?
How is your tree good for the human community around it?
Are there new thoughts you have about your tree based on what we discussed in class?

Comment with your room number as assigned letter.
3/17/2013 09:52:28 am

Comments were already closed for weeks 1 and 2, so we are adding them here. The proper Week 3 comment will follow later in the week. Week 1: My tree is located in my front yard on the 4600 block of Larchwood Ave. It is about 12 feet tall but needs some pruning on top. It has lots of branches with light brown bark that is pretty smooth. It has big fury q-tip like buds. The tree is between the street and my house with some other bushes and small trees near it.I chose it because it has buds and is in the center of my front garden.
Week 2: The tree seems to have grown a little and the buds are getting bigger.I noticed some white spots on the new thin branches. It still doesn't haven any leaves.I could measure it using my dad and a long stick. I also could use a long tape measure.

3/21/2013 08:34:12 am

great!!! !

3/18/2013 07:34:49 am

One branch was sort of grabbing the flowers now it is grabbing the wire.It's surrounding the grass with other trees.My tree is helping the squirrel get to the roof.My tree gives us shade in summer and it gives us fresh air to breath.

3/18/2013 09:26:26 am

It makes oxygen.Thar are bushes around it, and it mite be a decorations. It makes oxygen.It make shade.No sun lite.Not very much space.The tree grew out.

3/19/2013 07:45:46 am

Week 1: My tree is on the corner of Springfield and 46th Street.My tree is so tall I need to look up into the sky to see the top of it and it does not have any leaves on it. My tree is surrounded by sidewalks, streets, and houses. I chose this tree because it looks awesome.

Week 2: I did not see any changes. At the bottom of my tree it is really fat but it is skinny at the top.

Week 3:My tree is surrounded by dirt and the sidewalk. It can help birds when they build a nest for their home. My tree helps the people by giving off oxygen. There are no problems happening with my tree. The tree is budding.

3/19/2013 08:30:42 am

My tree makes air. My tree is a plant. No problems. It has brown leaves and is a habitat for birds.

3/21/2013 08:37:09 am

good observing

3/20/2013 07:19:30 am

I think leaves are on my tree.

3/20/2013 07:22:16 am

there growing because spring!

3/20/2013 09:27:05 am

There were bigger red buds. There was bird poop on the tree so birds sit on the tree.

3/20/2013 09:58:53 am

It make's a home for squirle's and birds.

3/21/2013 07:15:04 am

My tree gets water from the sky and mostly squirrel.

3/21/2013 09:37:15 am

The tree has new white buds that weren't there last week. It is 8'10" tall. The tree makes oxygen which is good for lots of things like people and animals.

3/21/2013 10:39:00 am

the tree makes air
it is a tree
it makes shade, a home,and air
it is groing side ways.

131 o
3/21/2013 10:45:12 am

This week, nothing really changed with my tree. Probably because it was so cold outside. My tree does not have any leaves yet, so it cannot produce oxygen. Sometimes, squirrels climb my tree.
I think that my tree makes you smile when you are sad.

131 V
3/23/2013 05:27:00 am

My tree is a plant like everything else in the garden. It benefits things around it by letting out oxygen. It benefits the human community with its leaves sucking in the air that we don't breathe. One problem is that it will be taking up a lot of space and other plants cannot grow that easily. We may have to move it to another part of the yard where it will have more room.
There are a few more buds on the tree. It has spiky sprouts.

Comments are closed.