After selecting one tree to adopt for the month of March, please let us know:

  • The address or specific location of your tree (we will be creating a map of our adopted trees)
  • What your tree looks like and what kind of tree you think it might be (You do not need to know the specific kind of tree yet just describe it if you can, I encourage you to bring a picture/drawing to class)
  • What is around your tree (Are there other trees, is there a building, is it on the street, etc.)
  • Why did you choose that particular tree?

When submitting a comment please put your room number and assigned letter instead of your name!
3/5/2013 06:53:14 am

1) This tree is located in Clark Park (turtle side). It is near Chester Ave and the HMS school.
2) This tree is not that tall and has several medium sized trunks that are growing up from the ground. It has no leaves right now, but has small furry buds.
3) The tree is surrounded by other park trees.
4) I chose this tree because it is my favorite Clark Park climbing tree. small and skinny enough to climb but big enough to handle the climbing without damage.

Science Teacher
3/7/2013 09:08:27 am

Sounds like a fun tree! I bet we saw it on our trip to the park together today!

3/5/2013 11:25:34 pm

1) Tree location-on sidewalk in front of my home on 44th street
2) Tree description- skinny, not really tall yet, 18 branches on tree, naked no leaves, starting to delvelope spring bulbs, planted in dirt between two stalks for support, tree is about 10-10.5 feet tall
3)My tree is on a sidewalk in front of her apartment building, there is another baby tree to the left and a tree stomp to the right.
4)I choose this tree because is skinny and not tall, I can also reach the branches. on the bigger trees' she can not reach the branches

Science Teacher
3/7/2013 09:10:02 am

This tree seems to be just the right size for you!

3/6/2013 07:44:17 am

1) It is in my backyard
2)It doesn't have leaves. It is a good climbing tree. It has little plants on it. It has many branches. It is big. It is dirty.
3)Bushes, plants, other trees, and grass.
4)Because it looked interesting and because I see it every day.

Science Teacher
3/7/2013 09:12:15 am

I love how you described it as being dirty. Do you mean that it has lots of dirt on it or did you mean something else by saying it's dirty? Some trees have other things on their bark that rub off on our hands that may not be dirt.

3/6/2013 08:00:15 am

1) The tree is in front of my house which is on the 4400 block of Larchwood Ave.
2) It's about as tall as my porch.In the spring time there are lots of blossoms on it.
3)It is in my garden.In the summer there are flowers around it, but now there is just mulch.
4)Because my parents liked it when they moved in.

Science Teacher
3/7/2013 09:15:07 am

That's interesting about your parents liking it when you moved in. Nice, well taken care of trees can often make houses more valuable or worth more money and people often specifically look to buy houses that have good trees around them. I can't wait for trees like yours to have blossoms on them!

3/6/2013 09:03:01 am

1) The tree is located in front of my house on the 500 S block of Melville Street.
2) The tree is very tall. It goes above our house roof. It has no leaves right now. It is brown with lots of branches.
3) The tree is between the street and the sidewalk with other trees, cars and houses around it.
4) I chose this tree because it is in front of my house and I see it every day.

Science Teacher
3/7/2013 09:16:25 am

It's great to pick a tree you see everyday. That way you can always check in with your tree to see if anything is different or if you notice something new.

3/7/2013 01:37:21 am

1) The tree is on 43 street, between Spruce and Pine.
2) It has lots of little buds, branches and it's on the sidewalk in a curve.
3) Other trees,buildings and cars.
4) Because it is near my house!

Science Teacher
3/7/2013 09:18:32 am

I'd like to know more about what you meant by "it's on the sidewalk in a curve". Streets that are near or in/on the sidewalk are often very interesting because of the different ways they were planted. Some have mulch, some have bricks or stones or gates around them and other things too.

3/7/2013 02:46:25 am

My tree is a blossom tree, it is a tall tree the size of 2 stories building.
It has a lot of branches, I expect it to be full of leaves by spring.
It is located in the corner of 43 rd and Locust between PAS and CVS.

Science Teacher
3/7/2013 09:20:04 am

I like the way you used the nearby buildings to talk about the height of the tree. It's difficult to measure the height of trees and using something like a building as a reference when discussing the tree is a great idea!

3/7/2013 06:44:17 am

1.) in front of my house.
2.) it has leaves on trunk.
3.) a brick wall sticks vines trees.
4.) it is a baby tree and it is cutet tree.

Science Teacher
3/7/2013 09:21:38 am

So many interesting observations, leaves on the trunk instead of up in the branches, vines nearby, keep up the good work!

3/7/2013 07:23:28 am

The tree is on the sidewalk outside my house.
It is shorter than my house. Its bark is gray and bumpy and rough. The branches have buds.
Around it there is 1 apple tree, 2 pines and 3 cherry trees.
I chose it because i really like cherries. The tree gives my house a nice shade and has beautiful flowers.

Science Teacher
3/7/2013 09:22:57 am

Fruit trees are always fun and beautiful when they are flowering!

3/7/2013 07:24:56 am

1) at 46th and Pine streets
2) Its 3 stories high, many thin branches, shakes in the wind
3) Its on the street, a car in front, houses behind, and another tree next to it.
4) Its outside my house and convenient to look at

Science Teacher
3/7/2013 09:24:24 am

The observation of it shaking in the wind really struck me! Some of my favorite trees sway and move in the wind, and some of the really big ones even squeak a little when it's super windy outside!

3/7/2013 09:17:02 am

1) 46th and Hazel
2) It is very tall. It does not have any leaves or blooms right now. I can see it from my window. It is brown with some grey.
3) It is in our backyard near our house. It is close to other bushes, bricks, and trees.
4) I chose this tree because it is beautiful when it blooms. It is a good tree to discover and is called a Kwanzan Double Cherry.

Science Teacher
3/7/2013 09:26:16 am

I'm glad you can observe it from your window! That really allows you to appreciate it without having to be out in cold or wet weather.

3/7/2013 11:00:27 am

In my backyard. My tree looks like a baby tree. My tree does not have leaves, but does have buds. It has fences, and bricks and plants. I choose this tree because it means a lot to my Mom.

Science Teacher
3/8/2013 09:20:00 am

I think that's really nice that you're studying this tree in honor of your mom. Trees can be very important to people and can sometimes be something we cherish our whole lives!

3/7/2013 11:27:29 am

1) The tree is located in Clark Park in the new resting area off of 43rd and baltimore.
2) My tree has a brown trunk, it has a rough feeling, and it had no leaves because its too cold for leaves.
3)There were rocks and dirt around the tree. the tree is dirty. there are chairs and tables around the tree. There are other trees around my new tree.
4)I chose this tree because it is Big and tall. I am tall. It is a nice tree.

Science Teacher
3/8/2013 09:22:15 am

I like that you not only described what it looked like but also how it felt to touch it. We can observe things sometimes with more than just our eyes!

3/8/2013 05:57:29 am

1. This tree is on Hazel Avenue, near 47th street, in front of my house
2. This tree would be fat for a human, but barely skinny for a tree. I think this might be an oak tree. I notice that it has lots of holes on and bumps on the branches and on the trunk. Very tiny red buds are on the trees branches starting to burst into flowers.
3.The roots are coming up on top of the sidewalk where this tree lives.There is a stop sign next to the tree, and about 5 feet away there is a very skinny tree.
4. I like the way the roots are coming out of the ground, and I like how the roots are far above the ground and so I can stand on them, and stand next to my tree!

Science Teacher
3/8/2013 09:23:54 am

I love roots that I can see that aren't all the way underground too! Although those are often the roots we have to be careful not to trip over!

3/8/2013 06:02:25 am

1. Northwest corner of 44 St & Baltimore
2. Some of the tree's bark has green lichen on it. The tree has thick and thin bark, brownish green, in 4 colors from light to dark. It has a thick trunk: I cannot put my arms all the way around it. It has seed pods, lots of buds, and no leaves.
3. There are no other trees, it is by itself. There is dirt and grass around it. The tree is on the street, by the sidewalk. The tip of the root is actually sticking out of the ground.
4. Because it is very close to my house.

Science Teacher
3/8/2013 09:27:07 am

I'm glad you noticed the green lichen growing on the bark. Many times we don't notice what is happening on and in the bark until we take a closer look at the trees around us! Think about whether or not the lichen is harming the tree or just growing together with it? What might the relationship be between the tree and the lichen?

3/9/2013 01:19:08 am

My tree is located on Melville St.My tree has a lot of branches. Right now it has no leaves.There are other trees next to it.I picked this tree because it is right next to my house.I also picked this tree because it is beautiful and pink in the spring.

Science Teacher
3/10/2013 11:32:05 am

Make sure you are specific when giving information about your tree. For example: What is pink in the spring? (I am assuming it's the flowers that this tree has at that time of year) :)

3/10/2013 09:09:50 am

1. My tree is in my neighbor's backyard on 45th Street.
2. It has lots of bumps that look like brown chicken pocks. Low down my tree splits into two big branches then higher up my tree splits into two smaller branches, then it keeps going but with more than two branches and at the top it spreads in to tiny little branches.
3. My tree is in grass near cement and near branches of other trees and near a fence. My neighbors and our house is near it.
4. I choose this tree because it was interesting to me because I remember that half of the flowers that bloom are one color and half are a different color..

133 I
3/10/2013 10:04:17 am

1) St. Marks Square. This is the street where I live.

2) It has no leaves. It looks like a baby tree. I have to look up to see the top of it.

3) It is on a street with a lot of other trees.

4) I chose that tree because it is in front of my house.

Science Teacher
3/10/2013 11:33:54 am

This tree sounds very unique and interesting with the two different flowers and splitting branches and the fact that it might be competing for space with other trees nearby. I'd love to see pictures or drawings of this tree!

Science Teacher
3/10/2013 11:35:02 am

Sounds like a very unique and interesting tree. I'd love to see pictures or drawings of this tree! Also it sounds like a neat one to watch because it may be competing for space with trees nearby!

133 R
3/16/2013 04:21:27 am

My tree is in front of my house in my small front garden. It has three close by and has a fence in front of it. It has leaves all over the ground. My tree is brown and has 5 branches. It is small not like the ones in Clark Park. It has two branches at the top of it that spread apart and two little ones and one medium branch on the body. Around my tree is a black fence and three rocks behind my tree is a blue house and my house has red bricks. Under my tree is dirt with brown leaves on it. I chose that tree because it was in my front yard and I saw it everyday and I also chose it becuase it was an oak tree.

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