This week continue to take notes on your tree observations. Think about what problems/threats might affect your tree. How could we help solve those problems or better protect and care for your tree?

Has anything changed since your last observation?
What things might be a problem for your tree and might have a negative affect on your tree's well being and growth?
What could we do to help the tree live long and continue to be a healthy part of our community?

Comment with your room number and assigned letter.

3/24/2013 11:19:31 pm

My tree was covered with snow. It could die by getting cut down, but it could last all seasons.

3/25/2013 03:09:24 am

Things that is not good for my tree is that you shouldn't cut them down for things that people already have and they don't much of. Also these things can keep it from not being endangered. Trees do a lot of things for people and animals it gives humans oxygen and it gives animals habitats. My tree still hasn't changed since the last time i saw it.

3/25/2013 01:22:57 pm

The tree looks exactly the same. There's no change :(
Maybe the yellow piece of plastic is not good for the tree. I think we should cut it off. Pollution from all the cars and the SEPTA buses can hurt the tree.

3/28/2013 07:30:57 am

We could remove the fence. Some buds are starting to bloom. I can water my tree. I could give it more soil.

4/1/2013 12:36:43 am

My tree looks the same. It has a trash can in front of it and cars all near it. My tree has pink flowers in the spring and it looks cool. My tree is getting bigger.

4/1/2013 12:39:34 am

My tree is located on the Southwest corner of 45th and Walnut Street near my home. There are no leaves. The branches are sticking out of the sides. It's round. The bark is dark brown. The branches are very thin. My tree is in the front yard of the building. Three other trees are along the street. I chose this tree because I walk by it everyday on my way to school.

Comments are closed.

    Room 134
    First Grade

    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    March 2013

